Home - One Team Health
Always delivering dedicated service every step of the way
Specializing in:
- Medical Case Management
- Cost Containment
- Claims Management
- 24/7 Assistance
- Network Management and Administration
- Customized Services
We know that the healthcare world is changing and our focus is on obtaining the best outcomes for our clients by exploring opportunities for a more holistic and proactive approach to healthcare.
At OTH it’s “Not business as Usual”.
In May 2019, One Team Health was acquired by the Argus Group to join the organization as a leading third-party overseas care administrator. The acquisition builds upon the longstanding relationship between Argus and OTH Founder John Park, who has partnered with Argus for over 20 years as a senior executive of its previous overseas health management companies.
One Team Health stands by the principles to support a more personalized, pro-active and boutique-style service. The vision for One Team Health is a company where patients come first and professional care is backed by innovative technologies. The team is comprised of physicians, nurses, case managers, and care associates with a combined tenure and experience of servicing patients and global insurers for over 50 years.
One Team Health is fortunate to join a global organization with a matching vision that continues to attract a caring team of giving and extremely talented individuals who love to help people.
“OTH’s capabilities integrate perfectly with those of Argus, this union creates a holistic view that improves quality of care for our members. The integrated approach allows us to coordinate care with a refined set of providers that are renowned for delivering better results, and quality outcomes. We are continually finding ways to evolve and enhance our business model to better balance quality care and affordability.”
Chief Executive, Argus Americas – Peter Lozier
Time Zone: UTC -4:00
One Team Health Inc.
2255 Sheppard Ave East
Suite 415
Toronto ON
M2J 4Y1
Email: feedback@oneteamhealth.com
Tel: (905) 604-1444
Fax: +(800) 720-7315
North America Toll Free: +(800) 720-7315
USA Claims Address: 266 Elmwood Avenue, Box #309 Buffalo NY 14222, USA
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: